Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Alcan Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Alcan Organization - Essay Example The company is highly vertically integrated having eight deposits and mines, seven alumina plants with a transport networks including rail and port facilities, seven alumina refineries, 12 electric power plants, 170 packaging material plants, 26 smelter, 50 engineered product plants and 18 laminated product plants (INDUSTRY CANADA, 2005). In an attempt to understand the Alcan’s IT structure, this paper explores a range of issues that are linked to the Alcan Organization as an IT oriented organization. This includes its organization and operating technology, its dominant IT Strategies and Practices, technological contributions linked to the organization, its technological barriers, as well as its business continuity plan. Organization and Operating Technology. In the Alcan Company, all groups are centrally coordinated. The information and technology organization works on the objectives of the organization rather than for each specific business IT group. The requirements of each group such as its activities are closely linked and cooperation amongst the business IT groups is up to date (Foster, 2007). The wish of the IT individuals is always to fulfill the particular demands of the whole organization and it is worth noting that estimating and analyzing of the costs of IT for the whole organization is achievable (Dube, & Roy, 2009). ... The group that is concerned with financial and other includes 14 resources that are divided among Singen, Montreal, Paris and Zurich. The Architecture group consists of three resources having technical skills corresponding to Infrastructure Planning and the Shared Infrastructure Service group. The technical skills for this group are middleware and Web technology. The Information System Solution group is composed of sixty resources that are distributed in five different cities. The cities are Issoire, Paris, Neuf Brisach, Voreppe and Warmley. This group’s major focus is on main SAP Implementation projects among the Engineered Product group. The last group is the Infrastructure Shared Service group which has about forty resources that are all located in 6 different sites. These are Montreal Paris, Singen, Chicago, Warmley, and Voreppe (Dube, Bernier, & Roy, 2009). This group helps in operation of the infrastructure components that include e-mail, global network and data processi ng. The group, as well provides workstation support alongside the collaboration of tools. All these groups are integrated (Foster, 2007). Technological Contributions to the Organization. The plan adopted by the Alcan management team has seen drastic changes in the IT sector of the Alcan organization. The plan has been a corner stone in so far as the implementation of the management services common to the business groups is concerned and the services are now handled by a central organization unit with the support of the internal billing mechanism. The centralization of the IT shared services has gone a long way in promoting economies of scale,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Hunting and wolves Essay Example for Free
Hunting and wolves Essay Wolves have unique features; they are smart, sly, and curious, but for many hunters they kill them for their fur. Hunters take wolves and kill them for their fur. For example, the residents of Alaska have the idea that killing wolves are okay. Well, this horrendous and vile act that they are committing should be illegal. This act that they are doing is putting the fate of wolves in a dangerous place and they will be promoting their extinction if they continue doing this. â€Å"Killing Wolves†, by Sherry Simpson will give some examples of the acts these people do in order to kill many of these wolves that are defenseless, and yet get killed; almost to extinction. Wolves are an incredible animal that resides in mountain, forest areas; they mostly resemble the average dog. Wolves are very necessary to balance the ecosystem by naturally controlling the population of animals that eat vegetation. Wolves also help evolution in other species. These creatures are needed by the natural community to maintain the delicate balance of life. Without them, caribou, deer, elk and rabbits and many more animals would clear the land of plants, and the ecosystem would be unable to maintain itself. The wolf population is not even the same size as it was in the historic time, back when they lived in most regions of the United States. State government’s needs to let go of this unnecessary and merciless desire to control the population of animals who are just trying to simply survive. Hunters view this animal as a killing machine and â€Å"it considers them vermin†(Matsuoka). To make the situation worse the government is allowing the states to encourage these hunters to kill these wolves. For example, â€Å"Wisconsin will issue 1,160 permits for 116 animals. Minnesota will issue 6,000 permits for 400 animals†(Peralta). They think by allowing these hunters to kill these wolves is going to be a great benefit for them; when in reality they are driving them closer to extinction. Another example for instance, Simpson states that â€Å"between 6,000 and 7,000 exist in Alaska and hunters trap, shoot or poison wolves†(Simpson 137). This means that by the vile act that these hunters are doing by killing these wolves today’s human society will see the number of wolves in that area will decrease, because of the great impact Congress has made. Congress took them off Endangered Species Act protections from our nation’s wolves, the state government is encouraging people to kill them (Matsuoka). Now hunters can kill up to 220 wolves during hunting season. Their justification for the large killing of wolves is that the wolf population is at a â€Å"healthy†number. This does not give them a valid reason for the unnecessary killing of this poor animal. Wolves have been gunned down by hunters and federal sharpshooters in many areas. Wolves had been hunted for sport to near extinction in the United States. The Endangered Species Act was their saving grace, providing them with protection from hunters under the law. Even though there are some people that have the opportunity to kill the wolves many do not even though the wolves have been taken out of the Act. Simpson had that opportunity, she has been brought up and taught how to kill a wolf, but she states â€Å"I know I will never kill a wolf†(134). She is one of the few people who have gone to schools like Wolf Trapping School and have maintained their mind intact to not kill this creature. She has witnessed how these hunters put â€Å"the trap cloaked beneath the snow†(137) and how wolves unfortunately fall into these traps. She also says that some of these hunters say that these wolves are like puppies but instead they meant that these were â€Å"full-grown but inexperienced wolves†(137). An example of how the hunters kill the wolves are by bringing along a gun and ammunition to hunt wolves. Also hunting rifles are the typical choice, but bow hunting is a popular alternative (Fuller). With this said we can see how these hunters try to make it seem to children that it is ok to kill these wolves; and how from a young age they start to brain-wash these children into committing this disgusting act yet the wolves are still getting killed by these hunters. In the article Petersen’s Hunting, Bob Robb gives six reasons why they should kill wolves. His first statement is that there are â€Å"too many wolves†. This is false since the hunters made sure to almost extinct the wolves. Next his second and third points are â€Å"wolves are decimating ungulate populations†and â€Å"deer and elk are hiding†. A wolfs diet consists of ungulates; which are large, hoofed animals, but hunters, for the sake of not dragging an entire dead deer or elk out into the wilderness, will usually bring cuts of meat from larger prey or meat from smaller prey, wolves will eat gladly (Fuller). These wolves are helping the hunter by not carrying such a heavy load. His fourth is â€Å"wolves love ‘muffy’†. This is right, but if these hunters left them alone and would not make them run to these certain situations these wolves would have the urge to have a meal whether it may be livestock or a domesticated animal. Robb’s last two statements are â€Å"wolves are poster-boy animals†and â€Å"continued litigation†. He says that organizations just tell the government what the hunters are doing to the wolves and they gain money from them. This is false since not only do the organizations provide valid facts and proof to the government to protect the wolves. These hunters just want the opportunity to kill these wolves and almost drive them to extinction. Also, hunters can kill wolves to protect people, property or livestock (Landers). The decision to kill wolves has been very difficult for people because they do provide the warm that is needed when it is cold. After they have stripped the poor wolf’s fur what is done to the rest of the wolf? The carcass of the wolf will be thrown away and they will get more wolves and kill them for the same reason; even if they do not need them anymore for the wolf’s fur. The lifting of the ban has made hunters giddy and excited, because killing a wolf is a once-in-lifetime opportunity (Peralta). The main reason they are like this is partly because of the long-standing ban. These hunters know that wolves are incredibly intelligent animals with a keen sense of smell, so shooting them is very hard and trapping them is also difficult. This makes it seem in their point of view as a game to see if they can handle this challenge they are in. as well as they are spending a lot of money just so they can go and shoot wolves. Now that money will come from permits and licenses; the sale of the permits brought in $202,720 for the government. The sale of license is expected to bring in about $120,000 more (Peralta). Since the government needs more money they are allowing for the evil hunters to kill wolves so that they can get money. There valid and good reasons to kill wolves, yes they do provide warm, and also they can injure a person, but does that mean that we can also kill them for fun? As if was a game to see who can kill the most wolves? They try to give a good reason why they do this. They just want money so they can get out of having money troubles. Since the government knows that these hunters will do anything in order to start shooting at this creature they have set up this plan for the hunters; knowing that they will receive large amount of money. There are organizations that put a halt on their large amount of money they gain, by protecting and giving the wolves a voice. These organizations are the ones give these wolves a voice including ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). These organizations show many people the cruelty that some people are doing to these animals. They speak the true about how these animals are killed and how the government is allowing these hunters to kill them. Many people may not know what kind of torture this poor animal is going through, but also there are many people that encourage this appalling act just so they can get the latest wolf coat. Now for the grand help these organizations are doing to aid the wolves has made it possible for the wolves to go into some sort of protection until recently. In conclusion, people can see how the killing of wolves is the worst thing they can possibly do. These wolves are very beneficial to have in our ecosystem because they help us and themselves to have and live a better lifestyle. The selfishness from the Congress to remove them from the Endangered Species Act was the most shocking thing they did, because they are giving these states the opportunity to drive these wolves back to extinction. Along with that they are gaining sufficient amount of money from these hunters to hunt which gives the government the money that they need. Killing this creature gives the government a â€Å"justified†reason to start gaining profit from the despicable acts these hunters make. Also thanks to these organizations the wolves have a voice and have a chance to survive and live long enough for the future children to be able to see this majestic creature. There are many people that do live and grow up in this circumstance and some do have a valid reason to kill wolves for their fur, but that does not mean they can promote their extinction. Lastly, this is why these wolves should not be hunted and should be able to go back into their natural habitat without having to worry that a hunter or hunter’s trap will kill them. Works Cited Fuller, John. How Wolf Hunting Works. HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks, 30 June 2011. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. Landers, Rich. Groups Write Governor to Protest Killing wolves. Spokesman. com. The Spokesman Review, 25 Aug. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. Matsuoka, Rachel. The Environment Wildlife Cause. Western States Killing Wolves By the Hundreds. Care 2, 21 Dec. 2011. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. Peralta, Eyder. Fair Game: Wolf Hunting Begins In Wisconsin, Minnesota. NPR. NPR, 15 Oct. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. Robb, Bob. 6 Reasons We Should Kill Wolves. Petersens Hunting. Petersens Hunting, 02 Nov. 2011. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. Simpson, Sherry. Killing Wolves. In Fact: The Best of Creative Nonfiction. Ed. Lee Gutkind. New York: W. W. Norton , 2005. 133-62. Print.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Rate In Malaysia From Construction Industry Construction Essay
Rate In Malaysia From Construction Industry Construction Essay In 2009, fatality rate in Malaysia from construction industry is the highest compared to the other industries. Although it decreases in 2010, it still remains as the top industry that contributes the most in terms of fatality. Social Security Organization (SOCSO) has reported that the number of victims in construction industry until September 2012 is the upmost among the others with 48 victims followed by manufacturing with 30 victims. The factors of these occupational accidents are crystal clear. Safety issues are always considered secondary and take a back seat in construction. They do not emphasize on safety because they do not know how high the actual cost of accident is until it occurs. For instance, health and safety laws from the industry are regulated by themselves and that shows many employers gave less priority to the safe workplace concept. A safe workplace should be harmless and accident-free. However, it is not possible for them to follow this exact rule because of profit, cost, time and quality. Not only that, human factors especially poor ergonomics, manual handling of heavy loads, misuse or failure of equipment, exposure to general hazards, and inadequate safety training are all the roots of this accident. The construction industry is a high risk industry because there is a high risk of accident occurrence. The statistics show that accident rate at construction site in Malaysia is still high. Therefore, preventive measures must be taken to prevent any occupational accidents. This includes Cleaner Production (CP) as an initiative whereby it is defined as the continuous application of an integrated preventative environmental strategy to processes, products and services to increase efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment. Usually CP is implementing to minimize the rates of waste and emission generation. However, CP also can be used to improve safety and prevent accidents at construction site. Thus, the sole purpose of this research is to study the efficiency of Cleaner Production (CP) options in improving safety level at construction site and minimizing the occupational accident cases. To fit onto the safety purposes for construction industry, CP involves elimination of risky activities, minimized the accidents and improved the safety awareness among construction workers. 2.0 Problem Statement Every year starting from 2009 until October 2012, statistic from SOCSO shows that construction industry in Malaysia is the most dangerous place to work by seeing the number of fatality occurs during that period. To avoid this from continually happen, a method need to be invented to diminish this problem. Implementation of cleaner production concept seems to be reliable and effective in order to solve this problem. For this research, a study will be made to propose cleaner production option for improving safety and minimize accident occurring at construction sites. 3.0 Objectives The objectives of this research are : a) To determine the most frequent accident cases and evaluate risk level of construction activities throughout site visits. b) To propose suitable CP options which can reduce the risk level at construction site. 4.0 Scope of Research High rise building construction site will be choosing as a site visit for data collection. All data that will be evaluated in this report will be obtained from survey form and interview sessions. The main focus for this research is to implement cleaner production option to reduce risk level at construction site. Thus, any conclusion and recommendation that will be made from this research will be based on this two important thing. 5.0 Literature Review 5.1 Construction industry in Malaysia Construction industry is recognized as one of the main contributors for economic growth in Malaysia. Statistic from Department of Statistic (DOS) shows that construction sector in Malaysia posted a double digit growth in 2010 with 11.1% average annual growth of gross output compared to 2005. This growth comes along with the increase of total workforce engaged from 551,755 people in 2005 to 974,488 in 2010. This gives a clear picture of how fast this industry had developed. However, with this positive growth, there are negative feedbacks along with it. In 2010, according to Department of Safety and Health (DOSH), construction industry were in the leading chart of the most industry that contribute to death with 66 numbers of victims, followed by manufacturing industry with 59 victims. The same pattern followed in 2012 as construction industry contributes the most number of victims. Whatever the growth of this sector is, it remains the most dangerous industries to work in. Figure 5.1 : Occupational accidents by sector for the category of death (DOSH, year 2012) 5.2 Hazard at construction sites There are two main category of hazard in construction sites (A Hamid, MZA Majid, B Singh, 2008) : The risk of physical injury or physical injury hazard. Hazard that associated with process of works or equipment used and climatic condition such as scaffolds, power access equipment and manual handling, ladder, roof work, plant and machinery, excavation, etc. Can cause direct injury at site and if severe can cause of death. The risk of ill health or health hazard. Health hazard in construction work may be grouped under chemical, physical and biological hazard. Can be notified after long term of period and shall cause sickness or death after certain period of time. 5.3 Types of accident 5.4 Introducing of cleaner production 5.5 Implement cleaner production option for safety at construction site 5.6 The important of Cleaner production option 6.0 Methodology Data and information were gathered through literature review from various sources which include from journal papers, articles, thesis and website which are listed in the reference. From that study, a design of interview session and questionnaire will be made according to the study. A site visit at construction place will be held for data collection. The data will be analyzed and evaluate using a simple statistical method to show a clear picture of the data( data from survey form). From the analysis, new CP option will be propose to reduce risk level oreliminate the accident. A period of time will be given for the implementation of CP option proposes. The effectiveness of the propose option will be evaluate by comparing frequency of accident occur before the implement of CP option with after the implementation of CP option. Figure : Summary of research methodology 7.0 Work Plan Week No. Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Site visit data collection 1 week break 2 Data Analysis 3 Propose and Implementation of CP option 4 Data Analysis 6 Final report article writing 8.0 Limitations Cannot cover other place of construction site. So, just restricted only to one high rise building of construction site.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Allen Iversons Olympic Selection Essay -- essays research papers fc
Olympic Iverson April 2003 Word Count: 574 Allen Iverson has continued to plague us with the same thought during this 2002-03 Philadelphia 76ers season, â€Å"Why isn’t he under consideration to be an Olympian?†Iverson, seemingly a man on a mission, continues to show us why he should receive an invitation to participate on the 2004 U.S. Men’s Olympic Basketball team. Night in and night out he shows us why he is Allen Iverson, â€Å"The Answer.†Now Iverson can add another nickname to his acclaim, â€Å"Allen Iverson the Olympian.†With three games left in season Iverson finally got his wish. This past Thursday, Iverson, 27, was told he would receive an invitation to play. The team will be coached by the 76ers’ and Iverson’s head coach Larry Brown and the summer games will take place in Athens, Greece starting August 14, 2004. Upon after word of his invitation, Iverson said, "It's just a great feeling to be able to represent (the) USA. It's an honor and it's something that I will cherish for the rest of my life." Following a 25-point outburst that night in Philadelphia's 99-78 win over the Boston Celtics Iverson continued, "It has a lot to do with respect. Only the elite players represent their country." Iverson has consistently...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Love and Family Essay
The short story â€Å"Eveline,†by James Joyce is a story of a young girl who must make a decision between an unhappy life that she is familiar and comfortable with and a life of possible happiness, love, and the unknown. If she leaves with the sailor she has become fond of, she would have the chance to run off to unknown fun, unlimited dreams, and the possibility of love, or the possibility of a life of solitude. If she chose to stay with her father who was abusive and unwilling to change his ways, she would most certainly have a life of predictability and unhappiness. This made life with Frank sound more appealing. Also, Eveline had made a promise to her dying mother to take care of the home and her younger siblings for as long as she could. She would have to go back on her promise. Could she break a promise to her dying mother? The neighborhood she lived in was predictable and comfortable. She knew everything about it. As hard as the decision was, Eveline made the right decision to stay with her family because she is afraid to fail. Although Frank was a sailor that promised fun, dreams, and the ability to be happy, he could never make Eveline completely happy without love. When they would meet in secret she would always have fun with him. He made her happy. They would go to shows and he would sing to her. He made her feel special, which was something Eveline yearned for. Frank was mysterious. He told her stories of the many things he would do on his travels. He told of how he traveled through the Straights of Magellan and of when he had fallen on his feet in Buenos Ayres. His stories were always elaborate and often seemingly unbelievable at times. He told her he would take her to Buenos Ayres; this is where they would live happily ever after. He had a house waiting for her, he told her. She would be his wife. He never actually told her though, what would become of them or how they would survive. She knew Frank could give her life, but only perhaps love too. Eveline was not in love with Frank. At the end of this short story when she tells him good bye her eyes showed him no sign of farewell, or recognition, or love. When she decided to stay, Eveline knew what the rest of her life had in store with her family. Eveline was comfortable with her family and knew what to expect for the rest of her life. She had food and shelter. Her father was abusive and demanding but, he was always there for her and her family. One time when she was sick he read her a story and made her toast by the fire. This shows that even if his actions don’t always prove it, he cares about her and loves her. She would have to give up her family to stay with Frank because her father did not like him. Once her father had quarreled with Frank, after that she had been forbidden to see him any longer. She loved her family. It would be too difficult to give up on her family to be with a man she did not love. If she failed she would not have her family. Eveline never wanted to disappoint anyone in anything she did. If she left she would even disappoint her dead mother. Eveline had made a promise to her dying mother, on her death bed, the night she died, to keep the house together for as long as she could. This was hard for Eveline, but she knew it must be done. Eveline was the only person who could take on the task of caring for her siblings after her mother had passed away. Her father was often in a bad way, and would become violent with everyone that he came in contact with. Eveline would give all her money to the family for what they needed and wished she could give more. If Eveline stayed she would have to continue to work hard to keep her family together, but it was familiar and did not threaten failure and loneliness. She knew what was expected of her and knew she could do it. She would go to work, come home, and take care of her family that was her routine. Eveline was comfortable. She would work hard to keep her family together. She would not fail and she would forever be able to stay in the house she was familiar with and loved. Eveline was so accustomed to the neighborhood she lived, it had become comfortable. This was where she had grown up. She used to play in the streets and she knew everybody. She even knew the sounds of the people walking down the street, like the familiar footsteps clacking on the pavement of the man in the last house on his way home. She knew the familiar smells of the area. She was fond of the smell of her house. Eveline often mentioned the familiar odor of dusty creatone. Everything in the house was familiar and she had wondered at times if she would ever see them again. She had never dreamed of being divided from them. She was unsure if she could leave and not come back. She would never be able to see these things again. This was something Eveline could never face. Eveline was a weak woman brought down by a man all her life. Eveline made the right decision by staying because she had no idea what was ahead and was too afraid of failure. The risk of failure was too real. There were no promises of success. Eveline realized she only had one family and if you turn on them you have nobody left. If she were to fail with Frank she would have to fail alone, she than would have nobody to be there to help pick up the pieces. She would never again have the familiar sounds in the street, the house she grew up in, or her family. She would have to break a promise she made to her dying mother. Eveline did not believe it was worth the chance of failure. Eveline made the right decision to stay with her family.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
MBA sem 1 Essay
Parts of vision statement 1. The core values are those things very close to your heart that you will not give up at any cost. It can be integrity (for example, I will never cheat on the taxes I have to pay) or quality (I will never use a lower quality wood), etc. Usually we say that you should have only 4 to 6 core values. Of course, personal values and business values may differ. For example, love may be a very important personal value but it may not be so relevant in your business of furniture though it can be relevant if you were having a home for the aged. 2. Core purpose is the purpose of the organization, for example, to make furniture. This is something that you want to achieve within the framework of our core values. It gives the achievement orientation to the business and therefore the focus. When we get an opportunity to expand or sell off and if we are in a decision dilemma, this acts as another light house. we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees†¦ that’s proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or mail us on web- (b) Differentiate between ‘process’ and ‘tasks’ (Parts of vision statement, Difference between process and tasks) Answer: Processes Process is a set of logical activities that lead to some final or interim output. For example, taking pieces of wood, making it smooth, cutting it, making grooves, connecting them, finishing them, and polishing them are processes to create a table. These have to be done in some logical sequence. This is what a process is. Let us now look at we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees†¦ that’s proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or mail us on web- Q2. Planning is called as the cornerstone of management. Define planning and describe the importance of planning. Explain the types of planning. (Definition of planning, Importance of planning, Types of planning) 2,3,5 Answer: Definition and Importance of Planning Planning can be defined as a basic management function which enables one to select the purpose of the business, and how the resources should be mustered to achieve that purpose to include using the available resources optimally to do that. Planning implies goal setting for the organization keeping in mind the constraints, opportunities, and threats as much as what the person or business which is planning wants to do. Thus, a plan is a blueprint for goal achievement, a blue print that specifies the necessary resource allocations, schedules, tasks, and other actions to achieve the purpose. A goal is a desired future state that the organization attempts to reach. Goals are important because an organization exists for a purpose, and goals define and state that purpose. Goals specify future ends; plans we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees†¦ that’s proof we are not f ake. and we have different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or mail us on web- Q3. What is meant by ‘span of control’? Differentiate between narrow span of control and wide span of control. What are the factors that influence the span of control? (Meaning of ‘span of control’ ,Difference between narrow span of control and wide span of control, Factors that influence the span of control) 2,3,5 Answer: Span of control The number of subordinates that a manager or supervisor can directly control. This number varies with the type of work: complex, variable work reduces it to six, whereas routine, fixed work increases it to twenty or more. we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees†¦ that’s proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or mail us on web- Q4 Define Organizational behavior. What are the various approaches to Organizational behavior? (Definition of OB, Approaches to OB) 2, 8 Answer: Definition of OB: OB can be defined as a systematic study that investigates the impact of individuals, groups and organizational factors on productivity to include effectiveness and efficiency, absentee, turnover, organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction. ? By systematic study we mean looking at relationships and attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence. ? By productivity we mean a performance measure that includes both effectiveness (achievement of goals) and efficiency (ratio on output versus input required to achieve it). ? By absenteeism we mean failure to report to work especially without informing. ? we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500 /sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees†¦ that’s proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignment for many student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or ? mail us on ? web- ? a whole is to function effectively. Q5. Perception is the way we see and interpret things. Explain the importance of such ‘perception’. What are the factors affecting perception? (Importance of perception, Factors affecting perception) 4,6 Answer: Importance of perception Perception is perhaps the most important aspect of OB that we use in our daily life and in management. The importance of perception is: ? While creating vision for an organization, our perception of the future and the way things should be is a deciding factor. ? While making strategy, out perception of the opportunities and threats make us see the same situation differently. ? Perception gives the impetus to seek more information to make more rational decisions e.g., the perception of Rakhi on the situation of the bakery in trouble, made her travel and talk to the employees to gain more information. If she had perceived what the manager did was right or that it is too small a thing to intervene, she would not have made the effort to find out more information. ? we can provide u Fall 2013 fully solved assignment in rs 500/sem . you can make 5 installment of 100-100 rupees†¦ that’s proof we are not fake. and we have different set of assignment for m any student so. smu mba assignment Fall/summer season 2013 sem (I , II , III , IV) in only 500/ sem ( 6 sub) or 100/ question paper. we provide unique assignment. our assignment provide you good marks. call us 08273413412 , 08791490301 or ? mail us on ? web- ? Q6. Give the definition and importance of ‘motivation’. Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. (Definition of motivation, Importance of motivation, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory) 2,3,5 Answer: Definition and Importance of Motivation Motivation is â€Å"the process that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.†(Robbins, 2003) Intensity is concerned with how hard a person tries. This is the element most of us focus on when we talk about motivation. Directionis the orientation that benefits the organization. And persistence is a measure of how long a person can maintain his/her effort. Motivated individuals stay with a task long enough to achieve their goal. Motivation is important to an individual because: ? Motivation helps to achieve personal goals. ? Motivation gives job satisfaction. ? Motivation helps in self-development of individual. ? An individual would always gain by working with a dynamic team. Collins, James C. and Jerry I. Porras. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. First Paperback Edition. New York: Harper-Collins, 1997. 219-239.
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