Saturday, January 25, 2020
College Admissions Essay: Cabells Jurgen Speaks to My Heart :: College Admissions Essays
Cabell's Jurgen Speaks to My Heart  When I was in high school I just liked this book because it was bawdy and picaresque. The older I get, though, the more I return to it and the more it speaks to my life. I only recently realized that it's a comment on Goethe's Faust, too. But then despite several starts I've yet to read Faust all the way through and I've read Jurgen four or five times.  Because of Jurgen I've read other books by Cabell, and even acquired a fairly rare set of his works. I haven't read them all yet, but I've read some. Some are just entertainments, but in others he melds good storytelling with something deeper. His Figures of Earth, for example, is not only a funny book, but it says much that's painfully true about our existence that I've never heard another author say. The way he mixes satire and humor and wit and a statement about humankind all together is something I aspire to in my own writing.  From Jurgen I got the first outside confirmation that someone other than me found life to be a profound dark comedy. I already felt this, but didn't trust in my own feelings. In school I was encouraged to see life as a very serious affair, and to dismiss the comic point of view as being pleasant but trivial. But I didn't and don't believe any of that in my heart. Jurgen helped me listen to my heart.  As it happens, I don't think there's really anything to be done about it. For better and for worse, my writing is at least somewhat comic even when there are serious issues at stake, and I can't change who I am or how I see things. But I've also learned over the years that comedy and tragedy are very close. The difference is not so much one of subject matter but of attitude. Both can encompass serious issues. And while tragedy is the mode of regret, comedy is the mode of forgiveness.  Without intending it, I find that everything I write turns out to be about folly, illusion, self-deception.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Although the public sector
The ability of today’s health care system to provide high quality care to an aging society depends on the resources available to pay for these services. Although the public sector will bear much of the burden of health and long term care costs many of the required future resources will need to come from the elderly themselves, as is the case today. Unless public insurance systems become much more generous in coming years the elderly will bear the costs of many types of uncovered services.Drugs and long term costs will top the list of uncovered services. However, emerging elective procedures, perhaps in die area of gene therapy, and cutting edge diagnostic tools may not be uniformly covered by future insurance programs. Senator George Allen, R-Va. , introduced the Long-Term Care Act of 2005. The legislation, if passed, will make it possible for individuals to use money from their 401 (k) and 403 (b) plans to purchase long-term care in insurance with pretax dollars without penal ty.The Long-Term Care Act is similar to companion legislation introduced in the House by Rep. Lee Terry, R-Neb. It would allow individuals to use their Individual Retirement account (IRA) pretax dollars without penalty in addition to using their 401 (k) and 403 (b) plans. Allen’s proposal, cosponsored by Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla. , was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. The House bill was sent to the House Sub-Committee on Health just this past March. By the year 2030, Medicaid’s nursing home expenditures are expected to reach $130 billion per year.Private long-term care insurance could reduce Medicaid’s future institutional care expenses by more than $40 billion each year, while giving those who are insured alternatives to nursing homes, such as home care, adult day care or foster care and assisted living. The costs of long-term care can be staggering and quickly exhaust even a modest estate. The magnitude of the cost for long-term care is potentially catastrophic to the average American with the median annual income of $52,000.According to a recent market survey, nursing home stays average two and one-half years with an average yearly cost of $55,000 per year or a total of approximately $138,000. It is easy to see how such care could quickly deplete the asset of a household. Four out of 10 people living to age 65 and older will use a nursing home for long-term care and 21% of those will stay for 5 years longer. Many others will use home health care. Depending on the required level of skill, home health care may equal the cost of nursing home care. The Congressional Budget Office has projected long-term care costs will double from 2000 to 2020.Further compounding the situation has been the diminished willingness of the federal and state governments to continue to absorb over fifty-seven percent of the long-term care costs through Medicare and Medicaid. Policy-makers have been seeking and choosing techniques that limit public resp onsibility and financial involvement in favor of transferring more and more costs back to the individual through the private system. A major policy goal is to change public opinion to view long-term care a particular risk and thus the responsibility of the individual rather than that of the government.With such a shift in thinking long-term care insurance would be a component of retirement planning with emphasis on a private-sector solution rather than a public one. Facing the reality of financing long-term care may require a national crisis in which care becomes unavailable or unaffordable. Under such circumstance, there might be a heightened awareness of the need for clear public policy. Policy-makers will have to face the only feasible alternatives to the existing system: full public financing of long-term care funded by tax dollars or greater incentives for private long-term insurance both through group and individual plans.These approaches are far from perfect by to leave the s ystem as it is could mean long-term damage to the economy through the hugely inefficient diversion of money to pay for long term care that we see today. Reference: American Council of Life Insurance (1998). Who will pay for the Baby Boomers’ Long- Term Care Needs? Washington, D. C. : Cynthia E. Conrad & Ann Costello Beam, B. and J. McFadden (1998). Employee Benefits. Detroit: Dearborn. Bell, A. (2001) . â€Å"Group LTC Plans Jump 121% Last Year†. National Underwriter. (http://www. nunnews. com/zrchives/th_archive/2000/-105-01/1200118grouplte. asp).
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
How to Change a Babys Diaper - 748 Words
INTRODUCCION ATTENTION GETTER How many people have had kids or taken care of babies before? How many people actually have had the chance to change a baby s diaper? GOAL STATEMENT I want you to think about this topic, and recognize that the act of changing diapers is anything but nasty or insignificant, it is in fact something you may need to learn (or redo) sooner than what you think, and when that time comes, I guarantee you want to be ready - and go for it! THESIS STATEMENT I will show you how to change a baby s diaper by first telling you the supplies you need ahead of time, second by using a step by step procedure and illustrations on how to do it, and third what are the major considerations when it comes to using cloth or†¦show more content†¦a-The side with the tapes should go underneath. 7-Apply baby powder a- Spread evenly to help prevent a rash in the future. b- Pull the front of the diaper through your baby s legs and with one hand gently hold it down on baby s stomach. With your other hand untape one side and secure it to the front of the diaper. c- Place two fingers inside the top of the front of the diaper (to tell if it s to loose or too tight) D-If it s a newborn fold diaper below umbilical cord, so it stays dry. e-If it s a boy make sure his penis is pointing down when you put on the new diaper. 8- Replace your baby s clothes. 9-- Wash your hands when done. MAJOR CONSIDERATIONS ON WICH DIAPER TO USE ***The type of diaper you use on your baby depends on goals of cost, environmental concerns and time management. ***** Are cloth diapers cheaper than disposable diapers? Disposable diapers: **Different sizes **Designed by age and weight of baby **Keep baby drier a- Seem Convenient b- Buy them very often c- Pay for disposal too. Cloth Diaper: **Different Fabrics ( cotton, terry cloth, flannel) and Thickness a-Reusable b-Electricity, detergent, time c-More breathable d-No chemicals ****Cloth diapers need to be changed more often than disposables. 4-6 dispos = 6-8 cloth diaper changes Using both is always an option as well. To get both benefits. Example you can use: Daytime = cloth diapers Nighttime or traveling = disposable. CONCLUSION ***Changing aShow MoreRelatedShould Baby Need A Diaper?1375 Words  | 6 Pagesdoes baby need a diaper change, is baby uncomfortable? My goal is to teach the new mother of a baby girl different approaches and techniques to soothing a crying baby. I will be demonstrating some of the techniques right here in her hospital room. Mother and father are English speaking African American’s. The mother has gotten her prenatal care through the local clinic. Patients of this clinic are to have their babies delivered by the residents of the facility. 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