Thursday, May 21, 2020
Euthanasia Persuasive Essay - 1064 Words
An Avoidable Loss Death by choice or euthanasia is a very controversial subject that is typically one-sided. The very concept of death alone is somewhat a taboo, but controlling death itself is another monster. Death by choice or â€Å"euthanasia†should not be legalized because it promotes defeatism, may lead to the strict procedures to become more accessible to people with non-fatal illnesses, could legitimize murder, or pressure the elderly. When an unfortunate illness befalls, people have a tendency to become depressed and feel defeated. They start fearing the pain and the deterioration that may lie ahead, thus they become disillusioned and hasty looking for a way out. Euthanasia offers a way out but, this pessimistic end could have been†¦show more content†¦Murder and manslaughter are very serious offenses that lead to life and jail or the death sentence. Euthanasia could lead to doctors getting away with murder because no one would know if the patient gave consent instead of the doctor. It only becomes more troublesome with involuntary euthanasia for patients that are competent or conscious, since they can’t defend themselves nor give consent to the doctor or their family. In a Dutch survey that was reviewed by the Journal of Medical Ethics in 1995 stated that out of 3,600 authorized cases, nine hundred of these cases doctors’ didn’t have explicit consent. In a follow-up survey, the docto rs stated that the main reason for acting without proper consent was because the patients had dementia or weren’t competent. However, in fifteen percent of the cases in the second surveys, the doctors avoided any discussion because they thought they were acting in the patient’s best interest(â€Å"Involuntary Euthanasia is Out of Control in Holland†8). In a nursing home study in March 1991, The New England Journal of Medicine revealed that twenty-five percent of nursing homes and medical staff didn’t follow special directions for patients with special needs. It was also found in that same study eighteen percent of patients wereShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay Pro Euthanasia954 Words  | 4 PagesGrace (JiEun) Lee AP Language and composition Persuasive essay 6 October 2017 Euthanasia legalization The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival. Aristotle Being one of the most fervid and controversial topic of all, euthanasia, also known as physician-assisted suicide, has initiated a very sensitive discussion on life and death under one’s ability to choose either side. Euthanasia is defined as a â€Å"the act or practice of killingRead MorePersuasive Essay on Euthanasia963 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia - The Right to Decide The definition of euthanasia from the Oxford Dictionary is: â€Å"The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or is in an incurable coma.†Consider the words â€Å"suffering,†â€Å"painful,†â€Å"irreversible†and â€Å"incurable.†These words describe a patients terrible conditions and prospects. Euthanasia is known as â€Å"mercy killing†for a reason, it is the most, humane, moral and logical form of treatment available to patients that have no hopeRead MorePersuasive Essay On Euthanasia811 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia In present society Euthanasia is a very controversial topic and must be addressed carefully and thoughtfully out of the respect of others. It is a topic that for those who are undecided on what side to pick really do not know which way to swing until it impacts their life. Euthanasia roughly translates into â€Å"a good death†, so for those who chose to end their life by their own decision, and without them having to deal with pain or the inevitable long incurable diseases, thenRead MorePersuasive Essay On Euthanasia973 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia, more commonly known as mercy killing, is the action of killing someone in order to end their suffering. This is a way for patients with terminal illnesses to die a peaceful death rather than a painful one; however, it is illegal throughout most of the United States. People have debated for many years whether or not Euthanasia in people should be legal. In the Bible, Exodus 20:13 states that â€Å"Thou shalt not kill.†This verse brings people to believe that mercy killing is an act of defianceRead MorePersuasive Essay Euthanasia1446 Words  | 6 PagesEuthanasia: A Legal Murder According the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Euthanasia is â€Å"the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy. This procedure seems appealing to the many people around the world who suffer from terminal illnesses. In the minds of these people euthanasia or doctor-assisted suicide seems like the only escape. As stated in a journal, â€Å"My friendRead MorePersuasive Essay On Euthanasia1430 Words  | 6 Pageswould that answer change if you were suffering? Euthanasia, also known as â€Å"good death,†is the act of putting a living thing to death painlessly or allowing them to die by withholding extreme medical practices, such as withholding food. Then there is involuntary euthanasia: â€Å"a competent person’s life is brought to an end despite an explicit rejection of euthanasia†as stated by Robert Young, the author of Med ically Assisted Death. In the case of euthanasia, many people will argue that it is murder, butRead MorePersuasive Essay On Euthanasia737 Words  | 3 Pageswith no hope of ever leaving their hospital bed, death may seem like a blessing. Euthanasia is the practise of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain or suffering, a practise which is yet to be legalised in too many countries for being seen as illegal and immoral-which is ridiculous. A terminally ill patient or those suffering from deteriorating progressive conditions should always have the option of euthanasia. If possible, everyone would choose a quick and dignified death when the time comesRead MorePersuasive Essay On Euthanasia730 Words  | 3 Pages Euthanasia is sometimes referred to a â€Å"mercy killing.†This controversial topic has been debated for decades. Some argue that euthanasia causes more harm than good, and with modern medicine it is simply unnecessary. Others argue that it is an act of mercy sparing a suffering individual from days, weeks, or months of unnecessary pain and anguish. However, there are moral and ethical questions surrounding euthanasia. It could be argued that killing of any kind is murder. No matter the situation orRead MoreFor Euthanasia Persuasive Essay1663 Words  | 7 Pagespain and suffering. Euthanasia is a word that most people avoid because it is very controversial. But why? Euthanasia is a way of ending the prolonging of suffering, while leaving life in peace. Euthanasia is derived from the Greeks where Eu means good and Thanatos means death. When these phrases are combined the word euthanasia is created; meaning â€Å"good death†(6.) There are three types of euthana sia although only two are authentic forms. The first type is active euthanasia. It is described asRead MoreEuthanasia Persuasive Essay1577 Words  | 7 Pagespainful clutch. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are two ways to end the life of a person. Euthanasia is the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy (Merriam-Webster), also defined by the Oxford dictionary as the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. In places where euthanasia is allowed, it
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Nature of the Heart in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter...
The Nature of the Heart in The Scarlet Letter Sacrificing of the soul and dedication can lead to suffering for some, but meaning in life for others. This is the main theme of The Scarlet Letter,by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The story takes place in the seventeenth century in Puritan New England. The main character of the legend is Hester Prynne, who has an affair with Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister, and they produce Pearl. Hesters husband, Roger Chillingworth is the town physician. He is seen as the healer, collecting magical herbs to make medicine. Hawthorne twists the purpose of the physician by turning these healing powers into vengeance for an unhappy man. Hawthorne takes the theme and symbolizes the different†¦show more content†¦She would often seclude Pearl from the world outside of their backyard. Immediately, one can associate Pearl with the rosebush in nature because of the comfort she tries to provide her mother. Pearl was also referred to as a flittering young bird. A reader can interpret this image as Hester seeing Pearls freedom. Hester realizes that she will never regain her freedom. The most obvious symbolism Hawthorne uses is that of the scarlet letter upon Hesters breast. In various scenes, wise, old travelers interpreted the A to mean angel and able. They said this because Hester was so kind to strangers and able to carry on, despite her harsh punishment. In another scene, Hester and Pearl are traveling near the towns church when Pearl paused to gather prickly burrs . . . . She arranged them along the lines of the scarlet letter (152-53). Pearl also made an A out of seaweed when they were near the ocean and put it upon her own breast. To the reader, the scar of the scarlet letter doesnt seem as painful as the constant reminder of young Pearl. Pearl was her reality of sin (89). Throughout the story, the minister thinks of the future and how he will be received at his death. At one point he ponders about his grave . . . whether the grass would ever grow on it (164). One can interpret this as his fear of nature despising him. When in reality it is he who fears nature. Then, after he confesses in theShow MoreRelated The Symbolic Use of Nature in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter1376 Words  | 6 PagesUse of Nature in The Scarlet Letter     In Nathaniel Hawthornes classic The Scarlet Letter, nature plays a very important and symbolic role. Hawthorne uses nature to convey the mood of a scene, to describe characters, and to link the natural elements with human nature. Many of the passages that have to do with nature accomplish more than one of these ideas. All throughout the book, nature is incorporated into the story line. The deep symbolism conveyed by certain aspects of nature helpsRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne979 Words  | 4 Pageswell-known dark romanticist and author of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†and â€Å"The Scarlet Letter,†displays a love for story and symbols. Goodman Brown in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†chooses to question his faith and sells himself out of everyone because he does not believe in anyone. Whereas Hester in â€Å"The Scarlet Letter,†was thrown away from everyone because of her actions. Hawthorne’s usage of li ght and dark imagery in both, â€Å"The Scarlet Letter,†and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†represents good and evil, and the difficultyRead MoreQuestions On Hester s Scarlet Letter985 Words  | 4 PagesHester’s wearing of the scarlet letter differs from Dimmesdale’s struggling? In The Scarlet Letter, Hester wears the scarlet letter as a sign of shame for committing adultery when her husband was lost at sea. By wearing the scarlet letter, Hester shows that she accepts the sin that she has committed. Even after Chillingworth allows Hester to remove the scarlet letter, Hester still wears the scarlet letter. By continuing to wear the scarlet letter, Hester accepts the scarlet letter as her reminder of herRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1631 Words  | 7 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne’s personal isolation originated in his early childhood and later developed the theme for his most renowned literary novel, The Scarlet Letter. In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne emphasized the impact that societal isolation can have on individuals. Several of the victims inflicted with isolation throughout the novel were ultimately met with their inevitable downfalls. One particular character, Hester Prynne, was selected to undergo a struggle comparabl e to Hawthorne’s own.Read MoreThe Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay879 Words  | 4 Pagesand sin so a jail was needed to keep evil people and influence away from society. Hawthorne’s beliefs are seen in The Scarlet Letter. The reoccurring theme of â€Å"the power of blackness†and the uneven balance of transcendental and puritan views are apparent throughout the novel. â€Å"The power of blackness†brings out the sin and the worst in all of us including the people we least expect to be evil. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne and the minister, Arthur Dimmesdale, have secret meetings leadingRead MoreNathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlett Letter Essay1269 Words  | 6 Pagescreator. Through the portrayal of The Scarlet Letter’s Pearl, Nathaniel Hawthorne argues for the importance of individuality, the supremacy of nature over civilization, and the wisdom of children. Together, these transcendentalist principles function together to make Pearl a fitting representation of Hawthorne’s themes and ideologies. Pearl’s individuality, symbolized in dress and epitomized by behavior, opposes Puritan conformity and thus supports Hawthorne’s transcendentalist ideals. One ofRead MoreA Cultural Critical Reading Of The Scarlet Letter Essay1711 Words  | 7 PagesThrough a Cultural Critical reading of the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, it is evident that it is not only great piece of American literature, but also an analysis of Hawthorne’s 18th century knowledge about the culture and society of Puritans. The Scarlet Letter is not really an accurate representation of Puritan culture; however, it does represent how Puritan culture was seen in the 18th century, and to the people in Hawthorne’s period, they were harsh towards women, children, and cruellyRead MoreAnalysis Of Mark Van Dorens The Scarlet Letter851 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Scarlet Letter†is a modern classic of American literature written about controversy and published with controversy . In his analysis, Mark Van Doren criticizes Hawthorne by writing, â€Å"never before has Hawthorne dealt with stuff so solid; and never again will he be so able or content to let his people determine his plot.†In regards to â€Å"The Scarlet Letter,†Van Doren describes the novel as â€Å"brief though it is and barren of incident though is seems, is packed with pictures and events; real atRead More Relation between Pearl and Nature in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter1042 Words  | 5 PagesRelation between Pearl and Nature in The Scarlet Letter     In Nathaniel Hawthornes work, The Scarlet Letter, nature plays a very symbolic role. Throughout the book, nature is incorporated into the story line. One example of this is with the character of Pearl. Pearl is very different than all the other characters due to her special relationship with Nature. Hawthorne personifies Nature as sympathetic towards sins against the puritan way of life. Hesters sin causes Nature to accept Pearl. Read MoreCompare And Contrast Scarlet Letter And Young Goodman Brown1485 Words  | 6 Pagesto its restrictive nature –surrender their minds to its malevolent manner. When blindsided by someone they trust, one feels extreme anger or profound betrayal, such as Hester’s newfound optimism despite society’s attempt to humiliate her and Goodman Brown’s hopelessness after seeing people he trusts conversing with the devil. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Hester gains a new strength from the letter A after recognizing the evil nature of Puritan society. Whereas in Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown
Explain what is SWOT Free Essays
McDonald’s possesses good market share. It has the largest fast food market shares in the world with outlets from over 100 different countries. Heavily Invested In advertising, McDonald’s spends almost $2 billion In advertisements yearly. We will write a custom essay sample on Explain what is SWOT or any similar topic only for you Order Now Customers are aware of McDonald’s latest promotion and products from TV commercial, leaflets and signboards. In addition, McDonald’s has a superior reputation. Its brand recognition is valued at $40 billion. Every age group has heard of and knows about McDonald’s. Furthermore, it is highly owned by independent franchise. More than 80% of McDonald’s’ restaurants are operated by franchise, allowing the restaurants to improve their service systems. Lastly, McDonald’s targets at children by serving a vast variety of kids’ meals which are complimented with different popular toys. Many restaurants also have a segmented play area for children. 2. 2 Weakness Howard Crawford (May 201 3) has also shared the following weaknesses of McDonald’s restaurants. Unhealthy food menu Is a weakness as McDonald’s main menu is burgers, fries and coke. McDonald’s Is said to disrupt the eating habit of people especially the youngsters. Another weakness of McDonald’s its negative publicity as it has always received negative remarks for its workers’ bad service, creating environmental problems such as using environmentally unfriendly materials for its packaging and infringing animal rights. For example, using chickens from chicken farms whose reputation on treating their animals is questionable. Low differentiation is yet another weakness. Other brands of fast food restaurants such as Burger King and Wend’s serve about the same type of menu as McDonald’s. 2. 3 Opportunity Howard Crawford (May 201 3) commented that McDonald’s has tried to expand Its customers base by entering Into new and popular products. MacAfee offers premium coffees, smoothies and cakes to attract more customers and to retain its existing New, healthier food items have been incorporated into McDonald’s menu in a bid to attract more consumers. Corn cups, apple dippers and apple Juice have been introduced as a healthier alternative to the unhealthy fries and soft drinks. In the future, McDonald’s can consider serving baked potatoes, cherry tomatoes or even whole meal biscuit for the healthy-conscious consumers. McDonald’s can consider expansion into foreign markets. Although McDonald’s is the world largest fast food restaurant, some countries like Vietnam, Jamaica and Yemen still do not have McDonald’s in their countries. It can also consider expanding the area of its home meal delivery service. Most area n Singapore has McDonald’s delivery service but countries like UK still does not have a delivery service. 2. 4 Threats Increasing societal focuses on healthy eating may be a threat to McDonald’s (Howard Crawford, May 2013) as more people increasing more health conscious of eating healthy food which could in turn, reduce the demand for fast food. Competitor pressure in developed countries is another threat. There are already many fast food restaurants like Burger King Wendy in developed countries. It is very difficult for McDonald to achieve large financial growth in this overcrowded market. How to cite Explain what is SWOT, Papers
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